Monday, July 18, 2011

Why serum?

  With the plethora of skincare options that are available to us today, deciding what product is suitable for your specific needs can be somewhat difficult.  Many skincare lines feature a serum and a moisturizer, and many consumers don't have a clear understanding of the difference between the two.  Do you need both?  Do you use only a serum?  What is a serum?!
  Let me break it down for you in simple terms...
  A serum is essentially a concentrated form of the active ingredients in the moisturizer.  Ideally, it is used in conjunction with the moisturizer (for optimal results) to allow for deeper penetration of said ingredient into the epithelial layers of the skin.  For an individual with dry skin or someone looking to optimize the performance of their chosen skincare product, this system works incredibly well, but, if you've got oily skin or are just looking for a light mositurization, often the serum alone is enough, and added bonus: it absorbs incredibly fast and leaves little to no residue.

Monday, July 11, 2011

& We're Back

  After a seven-plus (!!) month hiatus - due to a great new employment venture (which I still happily hold today) and possible conflict of interest, I've finally deciphered a way in which I can write, share, explore, and learn!  Welcome to the re-designed, re-furbished (& expanded!) beauty cell...
  In Chapter 2 of my blogging adventure, I'll research and share information pertaining to hot new ingredients and delve into the specifities behind their inner workings (in true science geek fashion)- similar to my initial postings - but also explore some of my other passions - those of fashion, fitness and health, and also beauty techniques and trends.
  I'm looking forward to writing, learning, and exploring, so stay tuned!

Gym Dumbbells